Current Sponsors

Arts Victoria
BC Arts Council
Bell Media
Black Press Media
Canada Council for the Arts
City of Victoria
Derek Ford
Digital Direct Printing Ltd
Eldon & Anne Foote Fund
Fisgard Asset Management
Government of Canada
Hotel Grand Pacific
Pedersen’s Rental & Sales
Province of British Columbia
Poppies Floral Art
Regen Clinic
Robert and Devi Jawl Foundation
RBC Foundation
Thrifty Foods
Times Colonist
Tony and Mignon Fenton Fund
Total Body Health
Victoria Foundation
Thank you to our 2024 Spring Soirée Fundraiser Donors
Art Eco Sponsoring
Ballet Victoria is dedicated to the health and well-being of our community by ensuring that every art project we create fosters economic, ecological, and artistic value. We believe that we can achieve sustainability as an organization and spread the benefits throughout our community. We call this strategy Art Eco – it means that each of our projects create new jobs and economic opportunities, reduces our carbon footprint, and promotes smart technology. By continually reinvesting in our community through our Art Eco strategy, we help build a stronger local economy, which is key for sustaining a healthy arts and culture environment.
Sponsorship packages are customized to fit each organization and can include marketing materials based on our artistic photos and designs. At BV, we can cater to specific needs of individual organizations. As we have access to resources such as stunning imagery and predictable audience demographics, sponsoring us can be part of your targeted marketing strategy. To get in touch with us and discuss how you can benefit from our brand, contact finance@balletvictoria.ca